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Showing posts with label sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sales. Show all posts

Monday, January 30, 2017

How eBay sellers find total sales to date

How eBay sellers find total sales to date

As an 
eBay seller, have you ever wondered what your sales have been since you first started selling on eBay? Do you know the total number of sales? Although a bit hidden, eBay offers this information on the Seller Dashboard for sellers who have a store subscription. To view the total number of transactions and sales to date, do the following:

1.     Click on Seller Dashboard on the left side menu.
2.     Scroll down to the very bottom of the page to view “Your totals to date”. On the bottom of this page, are total number of transaction and sales.
The default is set to USA sales only. To view global sales to date, scroll up to the top of the page and change the region value to global.

To get started shopping on eBay and making moneyStarting an eBay Business For Dummies by Marsha Collier is a great read and voted one of the Best Books of the Year So Far by the editorial team. Visit the Pinterest board, How to Make Money Selling on eBay for more information on what to sell on eBay. For details on what this Mom has sold on eBay, visit the Pinterest board: I sold THIS on eBay!