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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How to Create Multiple Shipping Labels on eBay

How to Create Multiple Shipping Labels on eBay

Reduce time and effort when 
shipping a number of eBay items by using the Shipping Action – Print Shipping Labels option within eBay. Online sellers who ship more than one item at a time can create and print up to 50 labels at the same time.

To do so, follow these simple steps:

1. Log in to eBay and go to My eBay Summary

2. Click on Sold / Awaiting Shipment to pull up items to ship

3. On the left hand side, click the check box in the listings header to select all items

4. Click the arrow next to Shipping Action and select “Print Shipping Labels or Invoices”

5. Accept the default to print just the shipping label and press “continue”

6. Items appear on the next screen with missing information (Shipping service / Weight) highlighted in red

7. Select the shipping service and enter the weight of the package for each line item

8. After entering all information, click “Review and Pay”

9. Select to print the Shipping Labels and 
USPS Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN) Form. SCAN Form is not automatically selected by default so be sure to check this.

10. Click “Pay with Paypal” to complete payment and generate the shipping labels and

SCAN form. The SCAN Form includes a bar code that contains detailed package information. Present the bar code on the SCAN Form to the postal clerk, instead of scanning each individual shipping label.

Sellers should beware of printing multiple shipping labels using the USPS SCAN form. Click here to see why.

For detailed instructions on how to get started selling on eBay and making money.

Monday, January 30, 2017

How eBay sellers find total sales to date

How eBay sellers find total sales to date

As an 
eBay seller, have you ever wondered what your sales have been since you first started selling on eBay? Do you know the total number of sales? Although a bit hidden, eBay offers this information on the Seller Dashboard for sellers who have a store subscription. To view the total number of transactions and sales to date, do the following:

1.     Click on Seller Dashboard on the left side menu.
2.     Scroll down to the very bottom of the page to view “Your totals to date”. On the bottom of this page, are total number of transaction and sales.
The default is set to USA sales only. To view global sales to date, scroll up to the top of the page and change the region value to global.

To get started shopping on eBay and making moneyStarting an eBay Business For Dummies by Marsha Collier is a great read and voted one of the Best Books of the Year So Far by the editorial team. Visit the Pinterest board, How to Make Money Selling on eBay for more information on what to sell on eBay. For details on what this Mom has sold on eBay, visit the Pinterest board: I sold THIS on eBay!

How Amazon Sellers Generate an Annual Sales Report

How Amazon Sellers Generate an Annual Sales Report

It is against the law not to report all income to the IRS. Whether selling on 
Amazon is your primary source of income, or simply a hobby, all income should be reported. The Annual Sales Report within Amazon may be used to calculate gross receipts as reported on tax form 1099-K. To generate the sales report:

1. Log in to Seller Central
2. Click on Reports, Payments
3. Date Range Reports (far right tab)
4. Click “Generate a Report”
5. Report type = Summary
6. Enter Custom Date Range 01/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
7. Click Generate
8. The status will state “In Progress”. After a few minutes refresh the page (hit F5) to see if the status is updated. If so, click Download.
9. This annual sales summary is useful in calculating gross receipts:

Seller fulfilled product sales + FBA product sales + Shipping credits + Gift wrap credits + Promotional rebates + Sales Tax

Only online sellers who exceed the IRS thresholds will receive an IRS Form 1099-K from Amazon. To generate a tax form 1099-K from Amazon, visit 
How Amazon Sellers Find Tax Form 1099-K.

How Amazon Sellers Find Tax Form 1099-K

How Amazon Sellers Find Tax Form 1099-K

To generate tax document 
1099-K for Amazon, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Seller Central
2. Click on Reports, Tax Document Library
3. Click “Generate a Tax Report”
4. Report type = Summary
5. Enter Custom Date Range 01/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
6. Click Generate
7. The status will state “In Progress”. After a few minutes refresh the page (hit F5) to see if the status is updated. If so, click Download.
8. The file that downloads is a comma separated file (.csv) that can be opened using Microsoft Excel.

Only online sellers who exceed the 
IRS thresholds will receive an IRS Form 1099-K from Amazon. However, all income earned must be reported to the IRS. Visit How to File Taxes for Selling Online for details on the IRS thresholds. Sellers who do not meet the thresholds can calculate gross receipts with the Annual Sales Report.

How Online Sellers Find Total Shipping Costs via Paypal for Tax Filing

How Online Sellers Find Total Shipping Costs via Paypal for Tax Filing

 sellers should not overlook the cost of shipping when filing taxes. Shipping charges paid via Paypal are deductible on Schedule C: Profit or Loss from Business. To determine the amount of shipping charges paid via Paypal, do the following:

1. Log into your PayPal account. Click Activity tab.
2. On the top right, click the drop down arrow next to "Statements". Select "Activity Export".
3. Select Custom Date Range and enter the date range needed for the year.
4. Then, choose download all activity or just completed payments. I recommend selecting comma separated value (csv) format and all activity (Comma Delimited - All Activity) to gather other totals often used on tax form Schedule C.
5. The report is not generated automatically. You will receive an email from Paypal once the report is available.
6. Once the email is received, log in to Paypal and download the .csv file.
7. Open the file in a spreadsheet program (Excel, OpenOffice, etc).
8. Sort the data by Name
9. Search for “eBay Inc Shipping”
10. Use the AutoSum tool to total the amounts paid to “eBay Inc Shipping”

Other deductions on Schedule C are available in Paypal’s Annual Financial Summary Report. However, this report is only available to US Business and Premier account holders.
Taxes Made Easy with Paypal Annual Financial Summary Report for more information.

Taxes made easy with Paypal Annual Financial Summary Report

Taxes made easy with Paypal Annual Financial Summary Report

United States business / premier Paypal account holders can access the Annual Financial Summary Report for key information when filing tax returns. This report contains valuable information used on Tax Form Schedule C Profit or Loss from Business. To access the report, online sellers should log in to Paypal, then:

1. Click the Activity link across the top
2. From the drop down box on the right where it says Statements, select Reporting Center

3. On the right, select Financial Summaries. The far right side has the Annual Financial Summary.

4. Select the tax year from the drop down list and click “download report”

The Annual Financial Summary includes key information that can be used on Tax Form Schedule C Profit or Loss from Business. Specifically:
Schedule C, Gross Receipts = Sales Activity / Payments Received
Schedule C, Line 2.Returns and allowances = Sales Activity / Refunds sent
Schedule C, Line 27a Other Expenses = Fees / Payment fees

In addition to the information provided on the Annual Financial Summary Report, Paypal users exceeding the 
IRS threshold amounts will receive a 1099-K form. To see if your account qualifies for a 1099K form, visit How Online Sellers Find Tax Form 1099-K from Paypal.

Sellers should have an organized bookkeeping system to store receipts. A simple and inexpensive solution is a
bankers box. More sophisticated sellers may choose to store receipts digitally using a receipt scanner. Online sellers who have experience completing a tax return can file online for free using the IRS free file program. Visit How to File Federal Taxes Online for Free. Less experienced tax filers may use TurboTax which offers a guided, step-by-step questionnaire tailored to your personal income tax situation. For further guidance on starting to sell on eBay, subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Piece of Scrap, for how to sell on eBay, what to sell on eBay, shipping on eBay and much more!

How to File Taxes for Selling on eBay

how to file taxes for selling on eBay

It is against the law not to report all income to the 
IRS. Whether selling on eBay is your primary source of income, or simply a hobby, all income should be reported. Selling on eBay can be viewed as a hobby as long as one is not in it to make money. As such, any hobby expenses associated can be used to offset the income. However, unlike a business, any hobby losses cannot be used to offset hobby income. If one sells on eBay to make money, then the income must be reported as business income. In addition, any associated losses (lost or damaged packages, refunds) can be used to offset the income.

Only eBay sellers who exceed the IRS thresholds will receive an IRS Form 1099-K from Paypal. Sellers exceed the IRS thresholds when they received $20,000 in gross payment volume for the sale of goods or services AND have over 200 separate payments for goods or services in the same calendar year. 1099-K Tax Form is found via Paypal. Visit How Online Sellers Find Tax Form 1099-K from Paypal for detailed instructions on downloading Paypal's 1099-K Tax Form.

Advice for sellers reporting eBay income as a business:

- Keep detailed records including all receipts for purchases and expense. Organized sellers can use a bankers box or store receipts digitally with a receipt scanner.
- Research home office use expense. 
Write It Off! A-Z Guide to Tax Deductions for Home Based Businesses is full of helpful tax deductions.
- Research deductions for transportation: gas / parking / depreciation on vehicle
- Seek professional assistance related to tax accounting and IRS reporting
- Many deductions are available on Tax Schedule C Profit or Loss from Business.

Taxes Made Easy with Paypal Annual Financial Summary Report for details.

For detailed information regarding the Internal Revenue Code Section 6050W as it relates to payment processors, including Paypal, visit: